Welcome to the Carriers of Host Podcast | Breathing Hope One Life at a TIme 4 Pillars: Mindset + Identity + Faith + Relationships Are you tired of always striving for something and ending up at a dead-end? Are you sick of searching in all the wrong right places in hopes that you will find your true identity? Do you wish that you could find true freedom? Do you want to find healing and walk in that freedom that it brings? Do you want to have authentic relationships in your day-to-day life? This podcast will help you find truth, healing, and freedom and empower you to find your truth. You will learn how to apply practical tools that will bring forth healing from your past wounds, break away from your negative mindset, and rewrite your story. Hi, I am your host Sandy Cortes, and I’m here to breathe hope one life at a time and walk alongside you into this journey. I’ve had many life challenges, including seeking approval from others, struggling with perfectionism, and having unhealthy mindsets. I did all of this in the hopes of trying to fit into what others wanted me to be without ever having a voice. I am living proof that restoration can be achieved, allowing you to live your life to the fullest. By applying the biblical truths learned, I was able to erase the lies that had been spoken over me and that I had to come to believe as truth. God gave each of us a story, and the things that we have gone through are not in vain. They are chapters in our ever-evolving story. If you’re willing and ready to begin to apply life applications, restore hope in your hearts, find truths to the lies and change those negative mindsets, then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s begin the journey to help you start living the life that the person who created you intended you to live. So grab your pen and paper, and let’s begin to rewrite your story. How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com Connect on Instagram -> @carriersofhope To work with Sandy-Email @ -> carriersofhope1@gmail.com

Saturday Jun 19, 2021
EP 14 ”A Four Step Process of Letting Go of the Hurt and Anger”
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Welcome to Episode 14
“A 4-Step Process of Letting Go of your Hurt and Anger”
When do you find yourself getting angry? Do you display your anger or her on the outside or keep it suppressed? Did you know that anger is a secondary emotion and indeed a response from being hurt!
Tune in to this episode as I discuss the 4 Steps Process of Letting Go of your Hurt and Anger.
Identify if you are verbalizing different ways that show your hurting and angry. Recognizing when anger is a problem, the warning signs, how triggers can be to your advantage, and coping skills can begin to apply today.
You get to choose today if you will face what’s taking place in your heart and mind. It is time to quit holding onto those things that are hurting.
It’s time to look at how hurt and anger are bleeding into your life!
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Connect on Instagram
-> @carriersofhope
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
To work with Sandy-Email @
-> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Jun 11, 2021
EP-13 Have you heard about the lastest virus called, ”Guilt?”
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Welcome to Episode 13
Have you heard of that latest virus, called “Guilt?”
Have you ever felt guilty for something where you felt like it was eating away are you? At times it may have not even been intentional. Do you know guilt can even cause physical symptoms to your body? Do you know that there is a good thing that can come out of guilt? It causes reflection in wanting to change something that you’ve made a mistake or a decision on. I t can also bring healing to your body and hurt, if you are willing.
Tune in to this episode as I discuss different areas of the bad things that come with guilt, different kinds of guilt, and things that can contribute to living with guilt.
It’s time to look at how guilt plays in your life; what are you feeling guilty about? It’s time to confess to someone and begin to address guilt head-on.
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Connect on Instagram
-> @carriersofhope
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
To work with Sandy-Email @
-> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
EP- 12 Matters of the Heart
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Welcome to Episode 12, "Matters of the Heart"
A lot of times, we are pretty good about monitoring our behaviors, thoughts, and actions. Do you ever wonder why we do certain things or act a certain way, wondering why I said or did that?
We are not good about monitoring our hearts, which can be complicated because everything we do stems from our hearts. Out of the abundance of our hearts, the mouths speak.
Our hearts are like a simmering volcano of things taking place in our lives, unaware of what is genuinely taking place in our hearts. At times what you do not know CAN hurt you!
This episode aims to help you become aware of the secrets in our hearts; in case you were not aware, those things always come out and find their way into our homes, lives, workplaces, and relationships. Reflecting on your recent thoughts, words, and actions reveals what is going on in your heart.
Be sure to tune in to this episode as I discuss different areas where we can be like that simmering volcano.
Please subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Connect on Instagram
-> @carriersofhope
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
To work with Sandy-Email @
-> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Monday May 24, 2021
EP 11- Six Ways to Capture Self-Care in Your Life
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Welcome to Episode 11
Six Ways to Capture Self-Care in Your Life
What is self-care?
-Are you stressed or burnt out in life?
-Do you find yourself becoming irritable and having no tolerance lately?
-Do you find that you are using other things to help you cope in an unhealthy way?
Tune in to this episode as I discuss five different areas: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and professional, that you can look to see how you’ve been with self-care.
This episode aims to help you learn about your self-care needs by spotting patterns and recognizing areas of your life that need more attention.
The critical takeaway is reminding yourself that YOUR needs are just as important as anyone else’s! Set those boundaries, friends!
Are you ready to take a mini-vacation? Listen in to today's podcast in how you can utilize this! I shared on the podcast about visualization & mediation—a quick & easy way to help you begin to incorporate self-care. Visualization is a form of meditation that you can do at any time without guidance.
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Connect on Instagram
-> @carriersofhope
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
To work with Sandy-Email @
-> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Thursday May 20, 2021
EP 10- The Forgiveness Effect Pt. 4 ”The Deepening Phase”
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
Show Notes
Welcome to Episode 10
The Forgiveness Effect Pt. 4 "The Deepening Phase"
In this episode, during the deepening phase of forgiveness, he will further decrease the negative emotions associated with the offense. You may even find meaning in the experiences and have now recognized ways in which you’ve grown from it as the result of extending forgiveness.
At this stage, you have already gone through steps 1-3(Uncover, Deciding, and Working). If you have not, go back and review episodes 7, 8, and 9 so you can fully understand this episode and the Deepening stage.
In this stage, begin to ask yourself these questions:
-How have you benefited by forgiving the person that has hurt you?
-How did forgiveness affect your emotional health and behavioral changes?
-Think of a time when you forgave. how did it feel?
-Reflect on how you have grown because and efforts to forgive.
-Would you consider a stronger person today than you were before deciding to forgive?
***Remember the rope analogy I used in Ep. 9. It is about no longer allowing those people and feelings to control you.
You have a choice to uncover, decide, work through, and deepening your understanding of forgiveness. Make sure you cross your name on the list as well! You're worthy of forgiveness!
Please be sure to leave a review and subscribe!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Connect on Instagram
-> @carriersofhope
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
To work with Sandy-Email @
-> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Thursday May 13, 2021
EP 9 -The Forgiveness Effect Pt. 3-The Working Phase
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Welcome to Episode 9- The Forgiveness Effect Pt. 3-The Working Phase
In this episode, during the work phase, you will start to understand the offender in a new way, which will allow positive feelings toward the offender and yourself.
Begin to learn & understand the offender, and seeing them as more than their wrongdoing, is an integral part of forgiveness.
I give tips in probing yourself these questions:
-What was life like for the offender as they grew up?
-May this has impacted their behavior?
-What was life like for the offender at the time of the offense?
Remember, hurt people hurt people and at times not intentionally.
You may not know the two questions, but possibly look at the last one and apply.
Stay tuned as there will be one more episode in this series where we will cover the last step: Deepening!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Connect on Instagram -> @carriersofhope
To work with Sandy-Email @ -> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Be sure to grab a coaching session with me if you are ready to say YES; now is the time to embark on this new journey! I offer different packages from power-hour calls to monthly and annual packages; there's an option for you. Together we can Breath Hope One Life at a Time!

Monday May 10, 2021
EP 8 -The Forgiveness Effect-Pt.2-The Decision
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Welcome to Episode 8- The Forgiveness Effect Pt. 2-The Decision
In this episode, you will gain a deeper understanding of the pros and cons of forgiveness, and YOU get to decide to choose or reject forgiveness as an option!
- How would you describe/view forgiveness?
- What are the pros and cons of deciding to forgive the person who hurt you?
- How would things be different if you decide to forgive?
- Learn how it can change your heart and perspective
If you have not listened to Step 1, "Uncovering," make sure you go back to Ep. 7.
Stay tuned as there will be two more episodes where we will cover the additional steps:
Work, and Deepening
Please make sure to subscribe and leave a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Connect on Instagram -> @carriersofhope
To work with Sandy-Email @ -> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Be sure to grab a coaching session with me if you are ready to say YES; now is the time to embark on this new journey! I offer different packages from power-hour calls to monthly and annual packages; there's an option for you. Together we can Breath Hope One Life at a Time!

Thursday May 06, 2021
EP 7 -The Forgiveness Effect-Part 1- Uncovering
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
Welcome to Episode 7- The Forgiveness Effect Pt. 1-Uncover
In this episode, we discover the meanings of forgiveness what it is and what it isn’t. We go through part one of the uncovering process, where you will improve your understanding of the injustice done to you and how it has truly impacted your life.
- Uncovering what happened?
- Uncovering why was this unfair to you?
- Uncovering how has this affected you today?
Stay tuned as there will be three more episodes where we will cover the additional steps: The Decision, Work, and Deepening!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Connect on Instagram -> @carriersofhope
To work with Sandy-Email @ -> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Be sure to grab a coaching session with me if you are ready to say YES; now is the time to embark on this new journey! I offer different packages from power-hour calls to monthly and annual packages; there's an option for you. Together we can Breath Hope One Life at a Time!

Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Welcome to Episode 6 -“What are your keywords?”
Do you ever find yourself calling yourself stupid or saying I am such an idiot? Or telling yourself that you could never do anything right or that you are just not smart enough? Either you are too young or too old, or I am just not the happy type?
Maybe you say look at all the evidence I have regarding those keywords. These are truths about me! Whatever those keywords, are they empowering or enabling you?
In today’s episode, I share keywords that we use either verbally, mentally, or subconsciously. Did you know that you become what you believe and what you tell yourself? There is power in our words!
Tune in as I share some of my own personal keywords and challenges with them. I give tips on how to create awareness and find an antonym of that keyword. So that you can begin to apply it and speak over yourself, remember if nothing changes, then nothing changes!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Connect on Instagram -> @carriersofhope
To work with Sandy-Email @ -> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Be sure to grab a coaching session with me if you are ready to say YES; now is the time to embark on this new journey! I offer different packages from power-hour calls to monthly and annual packages; there's an option for you. Remember, together we can "Breath Hope One Life at a Time"!

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
EP 5 - That Pesky Little Thing called, Rejection Part 2-Reactions due to Rejection
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Welcome to Episode 5,
"That Pesky Little Thing called Rejection," Our Reaction to Rejection, Part 2.
Do you ever wonder why we react to certain things in our life the way we do? How quickly can we lash out at someone? How fast we judge someone due to our fears and hurts? Then the way we escape from feeling those emotions and struggle with guilt. Leaving you feeling hopeless in certain areas of your life, well, let's get down to the WHY!
In today's episode, I break down: different reactions that stem from a root of rejection. Reactions like bitterness, escapism, guilt, hopelessness, defensiveness, trust, and even hardness of hearts. There are positive solutions to all of our hurts and frustrations, but you must take action and do some soul searching and take back your life and not allow rejection to rule you any longer!!
Tune in as I share some of my encounters with my pesky reactions due to rejection.
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Connect on Instagram -> @carriersofhope
To work with Sandy-Email @ -> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Be sure to grab a coaching session with me if you are ready to say YES; now is the time to embark on this new journey! I offer different packages from power-hour calls to monthly and annual; there's an option for you. Together we can Breath Hope One Life at a Time!