Welcome to the Carriers of Host Podcast | Breathing Hope One Life at a TIme 4 Pillars: Mindset + Identity + Faith + Relationships Are you tired of always striving for something and ending up at a dead-end? Are you sick of searching in all the wrong right places in hopes that you will find your true identity? Do you wish that you could find true freedom? Do you want to find healing and walk in that freedom that it brings? Do you want to have authentic relationships in your day-to-day life? This podcast will help you find truth, healing, and freedom and empower you to find your truth. You will learn how to apply practical tools that will bring forth healing from your past wounds, break away from your negative mindset, and rewrite your story. Hi, I am your host Sandy Cortes, and I’m here to breathe hope one life at a time and walk alongside you into this journey. I’ve had many life challenges, including seeking approval from others, struggling with perfectionism, and having unhealthy mindsets. I did all of this in the hopes of trying to fit into what others wanted me to be without ever having a voice. I am living proof that restoration can be achieved, allowing you to live your life to the fullest. By applying the biblical truths learned, I was able to erase the lies that had been spoken over me and that I had to come to believe as truth. God gave each of us a story, and the things that we have gone through are not in vain. They are chapters in our ever-evolving story. If you’re willing and ready to begin to apply life applications, restore hope in your hearts, find truths to the lies and change those negative mindsets, then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s begin the journey to help you start living the life that the person who created you intended you to live. So grab your pen and paper, and let’s begin to rewrite your story. How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com Connect on Instagram -> @carriersofhope To work with Sandy-Email @ -> carriersofhope1@gmail.com

Friday Aug 27, 2021
EP 24 Let’s build a bridge and not a wall-Relationships
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Let’s Build a b Bridge and Not a Wall
Have you ever had friends that made a different decision than you or weren’t living according to your lifestyle or standards? Whether it was politics, different beliefs, different choices. Well, other choices can lead to many divisions in relationships.
Tune in today as I give a breakdown of what it looks like to love someone who’s made a choice that isn’t a sin or wrong issue, but it’s just different from yours? I give steps on what a healthy relationship doesn’t look like. How to reflect on “Do you know the whole situation or what life has been like for them.”
Learn to not narrow your friends to only people that align with the same choices you have made or beliefs. It’s time to step out of ourselves, let down our walls, and build a community bridge with others. The world needs us to build bridges and not walls!
After tuning in, you get to talk away with a reflection piece to begin to see how having walls has affected your relationships—deciding today if there is someone you need to build a bridge with!
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How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
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I offer private coaching spots!
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Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Aug 20, 2021
EP 23 Facts over Feelings vs.F.E.A.R
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
To overcome anxiety, we need to face our fears, which would mean exposing ourselves to the things that make us uncomfortable.
Avoidance plays a very, big role and fuels anxiety, so it’s essential to face our fears if we want to get better. It can be scary but let me give you an acronym for F.E.A.R. That can make this process easier!
Tune in today as I give a breakdown of F.E.A.R where I walk you through identifying facts over feelings. Learning how to separate feelings over facts can provide a powerful tool for recovery!
Walking away to use a practical tool and a spiritual component to overcome your anxieties and fears! One step at a time!
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
Grab your 15-min FREE CONSULTATION
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Aug 13, 2021
EP 22 What are YOU Analyzing that is Paralyzing YOU
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
What are YOU analyzing that is paralyzing YOU!
Do you ever find yourself overthinking whether it is big or not! Are you an analytical person where everything must be screened before making a decision? I share my challenges with overalyzing and being that analytical thinker! YGeese, this has been be so exhausting!
Tune into todays episode where we dig into ways we overanalyze? Do you know that there is such thing as overthinking about a particular item where we find ourselves overanalyzing and making conversations on certain things in our head that prohibit us from moving forward and paralyze us!
We must remind ourselves that perfection is the enemy of excellence. You have to know that at the end of the day, you gave it your best, and it’s time to put away those perfectionistic/overanalyzing behaviors that are hurting you.
Let’s begin to dig deep and look at one area of your life where you can strive just to let it be good enough instead of perfect; no more analyzing because it’s paralyzing!
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
Grab your 15-min FREE CONSULTATION
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
WELCOME TO EPISODE 21- it's okay not being okay, but it's not OK with staying there! What Depression is and coping skills that can help!
In today’s episode, I talk about depression and coping skills that you can help apply to your day-to-day life. Depressions sap a person's energy, and it rears its head in so many ways in our lives. Where we walk away feeling hopeless, sad, and worthless! It is so easy to step into unhealthy mindsets and beat ourselves up. The lies and certain situations can devastate us!
Tune in as I give practical tools to begin applying the change to different areas of your life: Activities, Social Support, a Grateful Journal, Mindfulness, and even a spiritual component as ammunition. It’s time to get out of the pit, and remember you are here and alive because God has a plan for you!
Ways to listen on different platforms Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Amazon Music, Spotify, and Podbean!
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
Grab your 15-min FREE CONSULTATION
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Jul 30, 2021
Ep 20-The Enemy Within: 5 ways the lies come into our lives!
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Welcome to Episode 20 The enemy within five ways the lies come into our lives! Have you ever gone to sleep at night and woken up like you just got beat up. How long have you stayed sleeping with the enemy? We become bombarded just like the war movies a lot of the times the enemy comes in at night, and we weren’t prepared for it where it catches us off guard, and we’re not even aware of the schemes. In today’s episode, we begin to identify the five ways that the lies come in! Often, it’s based on life experiences or form through hurtful situations, but it’s time to bring you out of that and get rid of the enemy within. If not, this becomes a massive stronghold in your life, and it’s time to discover the truth behind the lies. Truth is your armor and weapon in the battlefield of the mind! It is time to decide if you will come to terms with those lies, relationships, past life experiences that don’t define who you are, and it’s time to armor up with ammunition attack work truth. Research has shown that many people will avoid emotional pain versus physical pain and build invisible walls. Tune in today for more! Ways to listen on different platforms Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Amazon Music, Spotify, and Podbean! Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review! How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com Want to work together? I offer private coaching spots! Grab your 15-min FREE CONSULTATION Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time, Sandy

Friday Jul 23, 2021
EP 19- ‘Discovering your Strengths & Create Positive Change in your Life”
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
EP 19- ‘Discovering your Strengths & Create Positive Change in your Life”
Research shows that people who know their strengths & use them tend to feel happier, have better self-esteem, and are more likely to accomplish their goals. The problem is a lot of people hard time identifying their strengths. Yet, discovering these can help reduce depression and help us succeed at completing goals!
Tune in to this episode as I guide you in spotting your strengths, developing & enabling your strengths, and some practical steps to utilize your strengths better once you have discovered them.
Ways to listen on different platforms Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Amazon Music, Spotify, and Podbean!
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
Grab your 15-min FREE CONSULTATION
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Welcome to Episode 18
EP 18 “What vulnerability is, and why it’s good for us, it’s time to drop your guard, ladies, and gentlemen.”
There I was peeking in a spinning class and decided that I may give it a try! After watching how all the “fit” people came in immediately, my palms got sweaty, and I had anxiety and thought to myself, “Why in the world did I ever think I could do this”? I am not fit to be here! Ha! Guess what I was brave and faced that giant and cycled away that day!
How hard is it for you to be vulnerable? To place yourself in situations that make you feel uncomfortable, have you ever asked why I am uncomfortable? It’s time to get to know the why behind it!
In today’s episode, I share some of the “why” we have a problem with being vulnerable and how it can be good for us. Do you know that a lot of times, we resist being weak due to our life experiences?
Tune in as I share how our hearts never heal and will always remain hardened and guarded until you decide to drop your guard! It’s time to say to that guard of your palace, “YOUR FIRED”! Healthy things will only come your way when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable.
I share tips on how to begin to become aware and step out and be brave! #doitafraid has always been my motto!
As Brene Brown would say, “Vulnerability is not a weakness; it's our most significant measure of courage.”
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
To work with Sandy-Email @
-> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Jul 09, 2021
EP 17- Without Action the Story Never Changes
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Welcome to Episode 17
EP 17- “Without Action, the Story Never Changes”
Have you ever gathered around to watch someone do something exhilarating or something you would never dare to do?
It is one thing for you to want, dream, and desire something; it’s another thing actually to do it!
It’s time to talk about activating A.H.A.‘s in your life.
H-Honest Talk
A- Action
Sadly there are areas in our lives we need to bring change, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to change!
I hit on some warning signs that keep you from getting up and remain stuck!
Tension in Relationships
Undirected Anger
These are some of the things that we remain stuck with. Remember, your convictions are not worth anything until there is action!
So I want to ask you:
When are you going to get up? Remember, without action, the story never changes in your life!
Tune in today as I share some of my own life experiences of how stuck, frustrated and angry I was in different areas of my life and for so many years of my life.
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
To work with Sandy-Email @
-> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
EP 16- “Ten steps to tend to life challenges, goals and began to apply change and healing to your life.”
Tune in to today’s episode as I break down the analogy of a gardener and how to maintain the garden of our lives. Applying ten practical tools to our lives where we want growth or feel stuck and defeated. At the same being cautious not to transplant what others are doing versus what you are needing. Sometimes those things may not be what is right for you! Finally, being aware of the parasites like criticalness, self-doubt, and comparison eating away at your garden.
Probing questions to locate the area you want to find in your life for growth, healing and to no longer remain stuck. Applying kindness and self-care along the way to yourself and making a declaration of what you are believe for and set things into action!
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
To work with Sandy-Email @
-> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Jun 25, 2021
EP-15 How are you dealing with your discouragment?
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Welcome to Episode 15
EP 15 “How are you dealing with discouragement?”
There are seasons in our lives where real discouragement kicks in and can overtake us like a smothering blanket across our hearts.
So what do we do, and where can we go?
Sometimes life can involve such heaviness in dark places, to the point of us wanting just to quit. But wait!! I want to validate you today and permit you to be uncomfortable but not remain there.
Tune in to today’s episode on how I give you practical and spiritual tools to help and encourage you in this season of your life that you’re facing. I also share how to apply a CBT Model to your life to help you break down your situation, thought, emotion and behavior and look at it from a different perspective.
After listening to this episode, I want you to ask yourself, “where are you going to renew yourself and mind today”?
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
To work with Sandy-Email @
-> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,