Welcome to the Carriers of Host Podcast | Breathing Hope One Life at a TIme 4 Pillars: Mindset + Identity + Faith + Relationships Are you tired of always striving for something and ending up at a dead-end? Are you sick of searching in all the wrong right places in hopes that you will find your true identity? Do you wish that you could find true freedom? Do you want to find healing and walk in that freedom that it brings? Do you want to have authentic relationships in your day-to-day life? This podcast will help you find truth, healing, and freedom and empower you to find your truth. You will learn how to apply practical tools that will bring forth healing from your past wounds, break away from your negative mindset, and rewrite your story. Hi, I am your host Sandy Cortes, and I’m here to breathe hope one life at a time and walk alongside you into this journey. I’ve had many life challenges, including seeking approval from others, struggling with perfectionism, and having unhealthy mindsets. I did all of this in the hopes of trying to fit into what others wanted me to be without ever having a voice. I am living proof that restoration can be achieved, allowing you to live your life to the fullest. By applying the biblical truths learned, I was able to erase the lies that had been spoken over me and that I had to come to believe as truth. God gave each of us a story, and the things that we have gone through are not in vain. They are chapters in our ever-evolving story. If you’re willing and ready to begin to apply life applications, restore hope in your hearts, find truths to the lies and change those negative mindsets, then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s begin the journey to help you start living the life that the person who created you intended you to live. So grab your pen and paper, and let’s begin to rewrite your story. How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com Connect on Instagram -> @carriersofhope To work with Sandy-Email @ -> carriersofhope1@gmail.com

Friday Feb 09, 2024
EP 34 "Practicing the Art of Loving Yourself"
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Welcome to Episode 34
"Practicing the Art of Loving Yourself"
In this episode, learn what it means to love yourself and maintain a strong sense of self-worth, even when viewing yourself through your mistakes, failures, insecurities, or critical of yourself.
I go through some simple yet challenging techniques and tools you can begin to apply. Find ways to learn to love yourself and become more confident and happier. Learn and practice being kind to yourself, changing your views and how you speak to yourself.
Begin to ask yourself these questions:
-Are you kind to yourself?
-Do you ever focus on your strengths?
-Have you tried to apply mindfulness in those challenging moments of not loving yourself?
-Do you ever get caught in the comparison trap?
-Do you know or need to know how to set Healthy Boundaries into place?
-Have you dealt with the shame/guilt and learn to love yourself unconditionally? No one is perfect!
-Have you reflected on how much you have grown?
-Have you forgiven yourself of past choices?
-Have you ever sought healing and looked at those inner wounded parts that self or others have wounded?
-Do you have a tribe (support); they need you, and you need them)
*** I will leave you with this quote by C.S. Lewis.
"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
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How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Connect on Instagram
-> @carriersofhope
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots and workshops!
To work with Sandy-Email @
-> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Let's breathe hope together, one life at a time,

Friday Oct 29, 2021
EP 33 ”Let‘s play the movie”
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Welcome to Episode 33,
“Let’s play the movie.”
How much time do you think you spend worrying about certain things in your life?
When we are there, we tend to play the worst-case scenario, yet it may never come true. There is a difference between worry vs. reality. The difference between what COULD happen isn’t the same as what WILL happen.
So when we run into different areas in our lives and tend to be worrywart, I like to say, “Let’s play the movie.” Let’s explore together the most likely outcome in your situation rather than the worst possible outcome.
Tune in today as I give you some practical steps that you can apply regarding your worry! After you have asked yourself these questions, how has your worried changed?
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Connect on Instagram -> @carriersofhope
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
To work with Sandy-Email @ -> carriersofhope1@gmail.com
Grab your 15-min FREE CONSULTATION
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
EP 32 “Identify your ruts so that you can create new trenches in your life.”
One of the main problems we do as individuals are attacking our problem versus going after the problem and not getting to the root.
We focus solely on our behaviors by committing to start or stop doing something called behavior modification. We’ve all done it where we’ve made a New Year’s resolution or said we would stop doing something and then went back to our old ways.
Tune in today as I give you some tips on identifying your old mental ruts and creating new trenches in your life, and begin to make a declaration.
Overall I challenge you to write it; think it, and confess it. Honestly, if you want to change your life, you must change the way that your thinking.
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
Grab your 15-min FREE CONSULTATION
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Oct 15, 2021
EP 31 ”Could our sufferings been for a more significant cause?”
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
EP 31 "Could our sufferings have been for a more significant cause?
Do you ever wonder if all the suffering that you have endured was for a greater purpose?
If you found healing in those life experiences, this should ignite hope within you that you made it through and can give hope to others that they can make it through as well. But, unfortunately, there are similar scars all around you that are slowly dying and losing hope.
There are wounds and scars we hide so well that can bring healing to someone else's life, which means that others around you need hope, healing, and freedom, and you can be the carrier of it.
Every part of your life experience is part of the story for someone else. So let's take a look at a time in your life where there was a need, and you fulfilled it. How did you feel?
So I want to ask what the need around you is?
What would you be doing on this earth if you knew your days were numbered?
Tune in as I share some of my similar scars and life experiences. That held me back from living, freedom, and satisfaction. The world needs you and those life experiences! It's time to begin to wonder if all the suffering you have endured was for a greater purpose.
Ways to listen on different platforms Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Amazon Music, Spotify, and Podbean!
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
Grab your 15-min FREE CONSULTATION
Let's breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Oct 08, 2021
EP 30 Crossed Wires and Ways to Begin to Rewire your Brain
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Welcome to Episode 30
“Crossed Wires and Ways to Rewire our brain.”
Why does it seem like our lives aren’t working when we need them to work?
Why do we make so many irrational decisions?
Arguing with your significant other, and you continue to tell yourself to stop arguing yet continue to do so.
Or you worry about something knowing fully well that we can’t change anything by worrying.
Or scrolling on your phone and being on social media instead of spending that time with your family or doing something else that could be productive. So why do we do the things that we do? Why do we make so many self debilitating decisions?
We have crossed wires; we need to look at how our brain works.
Do you know that you can condition your brain into thinking whatever those unhealthy patterns are? We prepare our brains to believe what we believe. Our brains are designed to look for ways and create neurological pathways to keep thinking and doing what you’re doing.
What things in your life have placed you in a rut in your thinking that now is playing out in your behaviors? What lies have crossed your wires in your brain? Then, tune in as I share some tips on beginning to learn how to rewire your brain and identity some unhealthy patterns within yourself!
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
Grab your 15-min FREE CONSULTATION
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Welcome to Episode 29
“Did you know we are products of our past but don’t have to be a prisoner of it?”
This was a famous quote by Rick Warren, and ever since I heard it helps to remind me that I am no longer a prisoner of my past! So many of us spend so much energy living in our past. So often, our history comes with life experiences that can be extremely hard to face, and those experiences have created almost a counterfeit or a clone of who you are called to be. In today’s topic, I share how I allowed my past to dictate me for many years. Areas where I was no longer growing but dying in.
Do you know how many people are waiting to hear about your story? But because you still feel that your pass stick dictates you, it’s made you become a prisoner of it. I want to challenge you and think of how you have allowed your previous life experience to dictate your behavior in the present. What steps have you taken or can you begin to take to ensure that your past does not dictate your behavior moving forward. Starting to live a life of freedom that you were called to live and only looking at your history as part of your story will help heal others.
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
Grab your 15-min FREE CONSULTATION
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Sep 24, 2021
Ep 28 Failing Forward
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Have you ever felt like you have fallen short in your life? Or felt like a complete failure?
Whether you’re dealing with a bad habit, relationship problems or career challenges, or any setbacks? These are part of everyone’s journey.
How we look at those failures determines whether we move forward or stay stuck in life. So, where are you at in this season?
One of Michael Jordan‘s famous quotes says, I failed over and over and over again in my life, and that’s why I succeed”.
I want to challenge you today to take one past failure and consider what was helpful and unhelpful about it and the lesson you learned from it. Let’s choose today to fail forward!
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
Grab your 15-min FREE CONSULTATION
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
“Addressing the emotional turbulence in our lives and adjusting the altitude by applying the P.E.A.C.E plan.”
Do you ever find yourself either agitated or overly anxious at times for no apparent reason? Where do you feel unstable or have this up and down of emotions and are not aware of the why behind at all?
In today’s episode, I share some of my challenges with emotional turbulences that I’ve had throughout my life—teaching practical tools that you can begin to apply and no longer meditate on those circumstances that you are constantly meditating on by worrying, having fear, or even being angry about! Does this outcome bring you a solution?
I have something that will! I give a breakdown of the P.E.A.C.E plan that you can immediately apply to your life and bring about change!
With all the emotional turbulences, what do you need to do today to bring about change? Tune in. You don't want to miss this!
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
Grab your 15-min FREE CONSULTATION
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Sep 10, 2021
EP 26 Tips on how to deal with the ”Conflict Jungles” in our Lives
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
“Tips on How to Deal with the Conflict Jungles in our Lives”
In today's episode, I begin to create an awareness of how we handle conflicts? We talk about conflict resolution.
Tune in as I help you identify and ask the hard questions of where avoiding conflict stems?
Identifying that conflict is neutral and how if you address conflict, and it will not kill you!
I begin to dig deep into why people avoid conflict in general—giving you tips on setting boundaries and holding to your values and how to start to approach conflict and walk away feeling empowered.
Be the catalyst to make a change and learn to pick your battles.
Unsure how to handle conflict, tune in today as I give practical tools to help you do it effectively.
Ways to listen on different platforms Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Amazon Music, Spotify, and Podbean!
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
Grab your 15-min FREE CONSULTATION
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,

Friday Sep 03, 2021
EP 25 Boundaries: We Teach People How to Treat Us
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
“Boundaries, We teach people how to treat us.”
In today's episode, there is no intro/outro music, just plain raw footage.
Do you know that people who struggle with boundaries struggle to understand who they are and what they want in their lives?
How are you with setting boundaries?
Do you know that setting boundaries are useless if you’re not willing to follow through with consequences?
We teach people how to treat us based on the behaviors we allow them to get away with repeatedly.
Tune in as I help you to identify boundaries and share some of my challenges with boundaries!
I dig deeper to see if any of your boundaries were traced back to your childhood?
If you feel unsure if you have healthy boundaries, you want to tune in to today’s episode.
You get to talk away with an awareness of where you are and seven tips you can begin to apply and establish boundaries.
Please be sure to subscribe and leave me a review!
How to connect with Sandy! -> www.carriersofhope.com
Want to work together?
I offer private coaching spots!
Grab your 15-min FREE CONSULTATION
Let’s breathe hope together one life at a time,